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Restrictions Exemptions Program Update Sept 21/21

Writer's picture: Edmonton Scottish SocietyEdmonton Scottish Society

Restriction Exemption Update September 21, 2021

After seeking clarity from the GOA and the City of Edmonton over the course of September 20th and today the 21st the Edmonton Scottish Society and Edmonton Soccer Dome are providing this updated information and minimum requirement under the restriction exemption program.

The Restrictions Exemption Program requires all users of our facilities at the Edmonton Soccer Dome and Edmonton Scottish Society aged 12 and up must provide the following: - Proof of vaccination; or - Proof of a negative privately-paid test result from a sample that is taken within the prior 72 hours (Results from Alberta Health Services are not eligible for consideration for this program); or - An original(non-copied) medical exemption letter.

In addition; - Individuals 18 years or older must produce valid personal identification. - Individuals who are under the age of 18 do not need to show personal identification.

To recap this means every user of our facilities ages 12 and older require proof of vaccination. There is no requirement for youth ages 12 up to 18 to provide identification.

Yesterday's statement, September 20, 2021, from Dr. Deena Hinshaw has created considerable confusion and increased anxiety around the implementation of the Restrictions Exemption Program (REP).

While her sentiment regarding the importance of physical activity for the health and well-being of youth certainly resonates, it does not currently allow for the lifting of vaccination, medical exemption or negative COVID-19 test for players aged 12 - 17.

Page 5 of the Restriction Exemption Program clearly states “Once the program is implemented, it must be operated consistently for daily operations and throughout the facility...It is not permitted to have the program operate some days and not others, for certain times during a business day and not others, or in some areas and not others.”

If changes to the process or the Restriction Exemption Program occur we will notify users via our websites and through social media.

City of Edmonton Recreation Centers and the Edmonton Soccer Association are following the guidance from the COE and GOA.

We understand that for some this is not the news they were hoping for. Our staff, volunteers, board of directors and directors of many sports groups have been fielding questions and comments regarding the REP.

We understand the concerns and statements that we are receiving.

Please direct your concerns to the City of Edmonton or Alberta Health Services. The pandemic has been hard on everyone, and we will do what we can to minimize the risk to our sport community and the visitors to our facilities.

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